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"AMERICAN BIKERS" par SANDRO. Editions Schirmer Art Books, Londres. 1998.

Ref LPB0871


45,00 €Prix
  • "AMERICAN BIKERS" par SANDRO. Editions Schirmer Art Books, Londres. 1998. Imprimé en Allemagne. in-4, couverture toilée noire sous jaquette photo. Non paginé (88p). Texte en anglais de Prosper Keating, illustré de 71 reproductions photographiques noir & blanc, pleine page, par Sandro D. Miller.


    "For many years the photographer Sandro Miller, a resident of Chicago, has been making portraits of Harley-Davidson bikers. Unlike a true fan, he does not take photographs of them on their bikes; rather, he placed them without their heavy machines directly in front of the camera. The result is portraits of people who behind the camouflage of tattoos, chains, and leather reveal their vulnerability – people trying to experience the romantic dream of the nomadic life. In his introductory text Prosper Keating illuminates the history and the traditions of the American bikers."


    Ref LPB0871

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