"GEORGE S. ZIMBEL". Collectif. Editions IVAM Centre Julio González, Valence. 2000.
Ref LPB1015
"GEORGE S. ZIMBEL". Collectif. Editions IVAM Centre Julio González, Valence. 2000. Imprimé en Espagne. Petit in-4 format oblong, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée photo à rabat. 216 pages. Texte en espagnol suivi, en fin de volume, de la traduction en anglais, illustrés de 187 reproductions photographiques noir & blanc, pleine page pour la plupart, par George S. Zimbel. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme à l'Institut Valencia d'Art Modern (IVAM) de Valence du 20 Janvier au 26 Mars 2000.
"It has been observed that for most of us the "here-and-now" is about eight seconds long. ln George Zimbel's photographs, the present lasts for less than an instant. But this razor-thin slice of time can contain a universe. Zimbel's images are about the "human comedy", and each image is worth at least one short story. However, in Zimbel's visual stories, beginnings and endings are left out; it's up to viewers to draw their own conclusions from these enigmatic photos. On one level, Zimbel's pictures are meditations on fate and the role of chance in human convergences. By allowing this note of uncertainty, Zimbel portrays a world that is unheroic, yet not totally devoid of all meaning. Armed with his little Leica, the type of camera Henri Cartier-Bresson
made famous, Zimbel focuses on ordinary life; he depicts events in the mundane light of day. The extremes of experience, the pure blacks and whites of human emotion, are left out. ln Zimbel's image, epiphanies usually come in manageable, human dimensions…" Henry Lehmann.
Ref LPB1015