"HOLLYWOOD GLAMOR PORTRAITS. 145 PHOTOS OF STARS 1926-1949" par John KOBAL. Editions Dover, New York. 1976.
Ref LPB1007
"HOLLYWOOD GLAMOR PORTRAITS. 145 PHOTOS OF STARS 1926-1949" par John KOBAL. Editions Dover, New York. 1976. Grand in-8, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée photo. xiv+144 pages. Texte en anglais, illustré de reproductions photographiques noir & blanc, 5 in-texte et 145 hors texte.
"The 145 Hollywood glamor portraits in this book show 94 of the great stars in glittering icons "larger-than-life". Originally printed in fan magazines, on posters, on in fashion spreads, these portraits from the Twenties, Thirties and Forties are choice collector's items which are also remarkable as high points in portrait photographic technique. One has only to look at these Joan Crawfords, Fred Astaires, Mae Wests and Jane Russells to be romanced by the fabulous world of Hollywood glamor... These portraits are from the collection of John Kobal, and, since their 1972 showing at Victoria & Albert Museum in London, have been touring England and the United States. In the introduction, Mr. Kobal discusses the mystique of these pictures as well as technical aspects, their influence on the movies and fashion photography and their magical appeal to movie fans to this day..."
Ref LPB1007