"NANNA DITZEL. TRAPPERUM / STAIRSCAPES". Editions Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhague. 2002.
Ref LAC0057
"NANNA DITZEL. TRAPPERUM / STAIRSCAPES". Editions Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhague. 2002. in-8 carré, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée, à rabat, illustrée en couleurs. 48 pages. Texte bilingue danois / anglais, illustré de très nombreuses reproductions photographiques noir & blanc et couleurs, in-texte et hors texte. Catalogue réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme au Musée d'Art Décoratif de Copenhague du 07 Juin au 18 Août 2002.
"Throughout my long career of designing furniture, jewellery, textiles , and exhibitions, another issue has always held my interest. Indeed, it still does. I am fascinated by the opportunities presented by using the height of any given space, by utilising the cubic metres available rather than just square metres. We are accustomed to placing all furniture on the floor, and so we see everything form the same angle and the same height. One evening at the beginning of 1952, as Jorgen Ditzel and I were about our work, we discussed how we could move on - away from the conventional. Is a suite comprising one settee and two easy chairs truly the final word in furnishing? We counted the number of furniture legs in our modest living room, and arrived at a number close to fifty. Then we climbed onto the dining table, and indeed everything looked completely different from up there..." Ref LAC0057