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"VOYAGE TO CHINA" par Elio MANTANARI. Editions Bardi, Venise. 1995.
Ref LPB0533


50,00 €Prix
  • "VOYAGE TO CHINA" par Elio MANTANARI. Editions Bardi, Venise. 1995. Imprimé en Italie. in-8, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée photo à rabat. 160 pages. Texte en anglais, traduit de l'italien par Giacomo Donis, illustré de 145 reproductions photographiques noir & blanc, pleine page, d'Elio Mantanari.


    "A distillation of thousands of shots, collected in course of years of intense activity, reveals to us one of the finest Italian photographers of art. This masterly photography, steeped in the constant reinterpretation of the figurative tradition, is foreign to any striving after an effect? Montanari's work, in which discretion is the first and sovereign virtue, aims to reveal the self-realization of the event, "accompanying" it with the greatest naturalness and simplicity possible. This confident gaze upon the art of our times is a sign of intimate familiarity and sure intelligence, of a photography in which we can easily desire to live." Pier GiovanniCastagnoli. Ref LPB0533

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