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"WILLIAM M. HARNETT". Collectif. Editions Harry N. Abrams, New York. 1992.

Ref LAR0253


30,00 €Prix
  • "WILLIAM M. HARNETT". Collectif. Editions Harry N. Abrams, New York. 1992. Imprimé au Japon. Fort petit in-4, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée illustrée en couleurs. 334 pages. Texte en anglais, illustré de nombreuses reproductions photographiques, 169 en noir & blanc in-texte et hors texte, et 53 en couleurs hors texte, d'œuvres de William M. Harnett.  Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme itinérante au Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, du 14 Mars au 14 Juin 1992 ; Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, du 18 Juillet au 18 Octobre 1992 ; The Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, du 14 Novembre 1992 au 14 Février 1993 ; National Gallery of Art, Washington, du 14 Mars au 13 Juin 1993.


    "In his short but productive career, William Michael Harnett (1848-1892) became the great American master of trompe l'oeil still-life painting. His work popular with the public long before they were appreciated by the art critics, "fool the eye" with their convincing, sharp-edged definition of form and careful rendering of materials. This volume provides the first thorough examination of Harnett's career and its significance for the history of American art. Twenty-two essays by a roster of leading scholars examine three major areas: Harnett's relationship to his contemporaries among them painters, patrons, critics, and the general public; his formative training and experiences; and the meaning of his themes for the audience that supported him. These essays discuss not only Harnett's own technical skill and artistic development but also the aesthetic issues of illusionism and trompe l'oeil…"


    Ref LAR0253

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