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"ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM: THE CRITICAL DEVELOPMENTS" par Michael AUPING. Edition Thames & Hudson, Londres. 1987.

Ref LAR0295


60,00 €Prix
  • "ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM: THE CRITICAL DEVELOPMENTS" par Michael AUPING. Edition Thames & Hudson, Londres. 1987. Imprimé au Japon. in-4, couverture toilée rouge sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs (état d'usage). 302 pages. Textes en anglais de Michael Auping, Ann Gibson, Donald Kuspit, Michael Leja, Marcelin Pleynet, Richard Shiff, David Sylvester, avant-propos de Douglas G. Schultz, illustré de 170 reproductions photographiques, dont 85 en couleurs, in-texte et hors texte, de portraits et d'œuvres d'artistes. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme à la Allbright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, du 19 Septembre au 29 Novembre 1987.


    "ln the years following the Second World War, a small group of painters, working principally in New York City, became the founders of an original, avant-garde art movement that changed the course of painting throughout the world — Abstract Expressionism. Their work — imageless, metaphorical and energetic — has come to represent the pinnacle of American art, yet from the outset, Abstract Expressionism has been a phenomenon shrouded in paradox. The artists themselves — among them Arshile Gorky, Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Franz Kline and Robert Motherwell among them — have remained elusive because the meaning of their work has been so difficult to define. While acknowledging the label under which they have been grouped, they have constantly stressed their own individuality, adding fuel to the intense critical and art historical debate which has always surrounded the movement as a whole. Now, over forty years after the Abstract Expressionists' triumphant arrival on the world art scene their work is the subject of huge revival of interest…"


    Ref LAR0295

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