"ATTA KIM : ON-AIR". Editions Steidl, Göttingen, en collaboration avec ICP, New York. 2006.
Ref LPB0367
"ATTA KIM : ON-AIR". Editions Steidl, Göttingen, en collaboration avec ICP, New York. 2006. Petit in-4, format oblong, couverture toilée noire sous jaquette photo. 152 pages. Texte en anglais, introduction par Christopher Phillips, illustré de reproductions photographiques, 9 noir & blanc in-texte suivies de 15 planches noir & blanc et 96 planches couleurs. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme au International Center of Photography, New York, du 09 Juin au 27 Août 2006.
"The present book provides a comprehensive overview of Atta Kim's photographs since the mid-1980s, with special emphasis on his current ON-AIR Project. In the ON-AIR photographs, the artist employs extremely long exposures, sometimes lasting as long as twenty-four hours, to create works that explore fundamental questions of time and perception/ Through highly unconventional images of such varied subjects as erotic coupling, the militarized landscape along the Korean DMZ, and the seemingly deserted midday precincts of Time Square, he suggests that it is possible for us to imagine duration in ways that are radically different from our everyday experience. In a wide-ranging interview that appears in this volume, Atta Kim explains how such photographic works have arisen from his long-term engagement with philosophical, spiritual, and technological questions." Ref LPB0367