"CHUCK CLOSE. FEBRUARY 25-26 MARCH 1983. THE PACE GALLERY". Catalogue de l'exposition consacrée à Chuck CLOSE à la Pace Gallery de New York, 32 East 57 NYC 10022 du 25/02 au 26/03/1983. Editions Pace Gallery Publications, 1983.
Ref LAR0012
"CHUCK CLOSE. FEBRUARY 25-26 MARCH 1983. THE PACE GALLERY". Catalogue de l'exposition consacrée à Chuck CLOSE à la Pace Gallery de New York, 32 East 57 NYC 10022 du 25/02 au 26/03/1983. Editions Pace Gallery Publications, 1983. in-8, 2 agrafes, couverture souple avec une reproduction photographique en couleurs contrecollée sur le premier plat. Non paginé (36 pages). Texte en anglais de John Perrault (8 pages) accompagné de reproductions photographiques noir & blanc de Chuck Close en plein travail ainsi que d'œuvres présentées à l'exposition.
"Close's chosen subject is the human face or, more specifically, dead-pan, straight-forward (actually rather precisely engineered) photographs of the human face. His process of art-making is as important as the image and an equal part of the content of his work involves the painstaking transfer of the chosen image by hand through translation, transcription, and matching, using in turn in different works as he moves through the years : the air-brush, the brush, etching tools, pastels, his own fingers (in the fingerprint pieces), and in the current exhibition chips of handmade paper..."
Ref LAR0012