"ERWIN BLUMENFELD: PAINTINGS, DRAWING, COLLAGES AND PHOTOGRAPHS". Collectif. Editions Modernism Inc., San Francisco. 2006.
Ref LPB0864
"ERWIN BLUMENFELD: PAINTINGS, DRAWING, COLLAGES AND PHOTOGRAPHS". Collectif. Editions Modernism Inc., San Francisco. 2006. Petit in-4, couverture toilée marine sous jaquette photo. 114 pages. Textes en anglais : "A Life In Another World" par Robert Flynn Johnson, "Whoever Has Eyes To See" par Marc Dachy, illustré de 54 reproductions photographiques pleine page, de travaux d'Erwin Blumenfeld. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme à la galerie Modernism de San Francisco du 09 Mars au 29 Avril 2006.
"It was Erwin Blumenfeld's fate, but curiously also his good fortune, to have himself, like a boat in a hurricane, blown by the winds of history to so many creative ports of call in a singular yet restless career. Through circumstances beyond his control, and as the result of premeditated decisions, Blumenfeld was constantly within the avant-gardes of Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, and New York, in a career spanning six decades. Art history adores artists whose careers steer a clear path to a recognizable style. In turn, history punished artists like Erwin Blumenfeld, Joseph Stella, and even Frank Stella, for their eclectic creativity. A multiplicity of artistic personas in a single artist is viewed with suspicion masking confusion. Who, for example, is the real Erwin Blumenfeld? Is he the anarchistic Dada collagist, the successful and influential fashion photographer, or the technologically innovative fine art photographer? The answer, of course, is all three…" Extrait de "A Life in Another World" par Robert Flynn Johnson.
Ref LPB0864