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"MEXICO EN MOVIMIENTO / MEXICO ON THE MOVE" par Francis STOPPELMAN & Salvador NOVO. Autoédition, 1970.

Ref LPB1019


140,00 €Prix
  • "MEXICO EN MOVIMIENTO / MEXICO ON THE MOVE" par Francis STOPPELMAN & Salvador NOVO. Autoédition, 1970. Imprimé aux Pays Bas. Grand in-8, couverture toilée blanche sous jaquette photo et Rhodoïd imprimé (état d'usage). Pages de garde photo. 142 pages. Texte bilingue Espagnol / Anglais de Salvador Novo, illustré de nombreuses reproductions photographiques, 163 en noir & blanc et 7 en couleurs, pleine page pour la plupart dont 12 en double page, par Francis Stoppelman.


    "Early Mexican mythology reveals that sun was the name given by our ancestors to the world we live in. Thus the point of time we chance upon becomes the Sun of Movement. Mexican mythology goes on to teach us that in the infinite succession of ages there are first four other eras or suns in the course of which man is successively destroyed and created anew. The distinguished Dutchman Francis Stoppelman, an adroit and keen photographer, is visiting a Mexico where the prophesy of her ancient and farseeing inhabitants is coming true: a Mexico well on the move. Certain parts of the world hold rather a limited view of the Netherlands, Francis Stoppelman's native country. The image is one of windmills and ancient etchings depicting pretty Dutch maidens and their lovers, with elderly pipe-smokers looking on. A similar fallacy prevails about a Mexico that exists solely in the imagination of the dullest article writers. Ignorant tourists are quite surprised to learn that the Mexico of the dozing Pancho, with his sombrero and sarape (blanket), is no more has indeed been replaced by a Mexico on the Move, as we in turn shall discover in Francis Stoppelman's splendid book."


    Ref LPB1019

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