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"ROSENQUIST". Collectif. Editions Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valence. 1991.
Ref LAR0096


120,00 €Prix
  • "ROSENQUIST". Collectif. Editions Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valence. 1991. in-4, format oblong, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée illustrée en couleurs. 228 pages. Texte bilingue espagnol / anglais, introduction "James Rosenquist and Pop Art" par Craig Adcock, illustré de près d'une centaine de reproductions photographiques couleurs in-texte et hors texte des œuvres de James Rosenquist. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition rétrospective à l'IVAM Centre Julio Gonzalez, Valence, du 17 Mai au 18 Août 1991.


    "James Rosenquist's relationship with Pop ARt is complex, particularly insofar as Pop Art is conceptualized as a direct celebration of popular culture. Rosenquist was not interested in popular art forms or media messages per se, but like other artists associated with the Pop Art movement, he did react to admass society of the 1960s. The nature of his reaction was both ambivalent and highly individualistic. As Rosenquist made breakthroughs into his own mature style, he used advertising imagery and advertising techniques thet he had learned working for such billboard companies as General Outdoor Advertising in Minneapolis or Artkraft Strauss in New York City. From the beginning, however, his decision to use "popular" approaches involved more than an appropriation of sign painting. It was a matter of choosing a new basis for doing art..." Extrait de "James Rosenquist and Pop Art" par Craig Adcock.


    Ref LAR0096

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