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"SARAH JONES FARBFOTOGRAFIEN". Collectif. Editions Steidl, Göttingen en collaboration avec Museum Folkwang, Essen. 1999.

Ref LPB1018


30,00 €Prix
  • "SARAH JONES FARBFOTOGRAFIEN". Collectif. Editions Steidl, Göttingen en collaboration avec Museum Folkwang, Essen. 1999. Grand in-8 carré, dos droit, couverture souple cartonnée à rabat illustrée en couleurs. 126 pages. Texte bilingue Allemand / Anglais de John Slyce, avant-propos de Dieter Wenserski, illustrés de 41 reproductions photographiques couleurs, hors texte, par Sarah Jones. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme au Museum Folkwang, Essen, du 19 Décembre 1999 au 27 Février 2000 et au Huis Marseille, Foundation of Photography, Amsterdam, du 03 Mars au 30 Avril 2000.


    "The future resides in the darkened folds of Sarah Jones's photographs: it's there lurking in the illegible mystery that underpins a table, or the dense matte space that flows beneath a couch. The future is murky, as of yet unformed and still to be made. The present, meanwhile, is suspended, mute, and constrained — what would otherwise be youthful, lively and animated is everywhere overwhelmed and bridled by the cold and unforgiving hand of a past that hangs like a weight on the Here and Now. A dialectical relay of past, present, and future is an integral part of Sarah Jones's photographs and indeed, our readings of them. These pictures insistently take place in a present that is coterminous with our engagement in these works. A consequence of this fluid temporality is that her images resist collapsing into a photographic relic that preserves a remote moment snatched from the flow of time. While of necessity bearing the trace of that which has passed, these photos come to life in the sheer viewing present. This temporal fluidity has an elastic spatial equivalent, as Jones's pictures stretch out into that implied communicative space of the photograph that exists beyond the frame and occupies margins that are held in common by both the cinematic off-screen and the theatre's wings and off-stage. Jones's pictures rely on structural conventions of depiction and figuration that painting once intuitively shared with other art forms — particularly those associated with the theatre and literature involving narrative disclosure, figural representation, and dramatic enactment. Like the products of both the theatre and literature, her images maintain a consciousness of their status as representation and fiction. Here the significant discursive aspect of an ordinary artistic genre in the photograph takes on a literary function that operates beyond the boundaries of image and text…" Extrait de "On Time, Narration, and Performative Realism: The Photographs of Sarah Jones" par John Slyce.


    Ref LPB1018

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