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"THE ENGLISH" par Ian BERRY. Edition Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth. 1978.

Ref LPB0870


70,00 €Prix
  • "THE ENGLISH" par Ian BERRY. Edition Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth. 1978. Edition originale. Imprimé au Royaume-Uni. Grand in-8 carré, dos droit, couverture souple cartonné photo (état d'usage). Non paginé (112p). Texte en anglais, illustré de 100 reproductions photographiques noir & blanc pleine page, dont 4 en double page, par Ian Berry.


    "Moste of these photographs in this book were taken during 1975 and they represent a personal exploration of English life, an exploration I was lucky enough to be able to make through the award to me of the first Art Council Photography Bursary. Though I was born and grew up in the North of England, I was in the odd situation of being English and knowing very little about England, having spent much of my life abroad. I set out to record what I saw professionally. But in spite of a journalistic purpose I am drawn to visual situations. Many areas of life are difficult of access to a photographer. I have had to select my favourite photographs and that much militate against a comprehensive view. In the end such a book can only offer a personal and partial view of what one has been. Readers must draw their own conclusions about the photographs and what they add up to. I will only add that England has changed less in the 15 years I was away and I thought – or at any rate what I photographed had changed less than I expected. Also, England is the easiest country in the world in which to take photographs – in the way people react or rather do not react in the photographer's presence…"


    Ref LPB0870

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